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#CapTech2024- “Discover. Connect. Execute”- Monday 25th November 2024 to Thursday 28th November 2024- ICC Sydney Australia
Srikanth Markonda
Srikanth Markonda

CEO of Lorgan


Srikanth Markonda (Sri), CEO of Lorgan, is an accomplished entrepreneur known for founding and co-founding successful AI & IoT startups, including Lorgan, MyRaphael, Electrogenics Labs, and MiBiometrics. 

With expertise in AI, IoT, business strategy, Research & Development, and investor relations, Sri has attracted venture capital support and guided these companies to impressive growth. 

At Lorgan, Sri’s extensive experience in technical and management domains has propelled the organisation to success. His strategic relationships, negotiation skills, and customer-centric approach have positioned Lorgan as an industry leader. 

Sri’s qualifications include AI certification from MIT, a Masters degree from IIT Chennai, and recognition from esteemed organisations like Forrester and VoltDB. Invitations to global PMP examination development programs by PMI further highlight his contributions to the industry.